Top 10 Reasons to Choose JDP HVAC/Pratt Bros.

  1. Owner on every job.
  2. Member of the Jefferson Chamber of Commerce.
  3. Member of the Better Business Bureau (BBB). A+rating!
  4. North American Technician Excellence (NATE). Masters degree of heating and cooling, did you know NATE estimates say 3 out of 10 technicians are certified?
  5. WI State licensed #688988 Qualifier #965276 Our qualifier credential goes 1 step farther than most. Only certain cities require this to be able to pull a hvac permit, hopefully this will be state wide eventually, this will ensure only qualified companies will be able to install HVAC products.
  6. Dave Lennox Premier Dealer (DLPD). We have been awarded this credential by Lennox, and we are very honored! Premier dealers are subject to customer satisfaction survey's. To keep a DLPD designation, contractors must receive a service rating of 8 out of 10 or better from at least 10 customers per month.
  7. JDP HVAC will provide service to our installed Dave Lennox Signature systems for the life of your system and NEVER charge you overtime rates.
  8. Financing options 0% interest/60 months or as low as $80/month
  9. LOCAL people, servicing what we install.
  10. Owner involved on every job. Not every breakdown will happen during normal business hours - we are behind you!